Homemade Fire Cider: A Medicinal Elixir From Your Garden

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Have you ever considered making your own homemade fire cider? Packed with the goodness of fresh rosemary, garlic, and jalapenos from your garden, this potent elixir offers numerous medicinal benefits. Not only is it easy to make, but it also provides a natural and effective way to support your immune system and overall well-being.

Fire cider is a traditional herbal remedy that combines the healing properties of these powerful ingredients. It is believed to help boost digestion, improve circulation, and provide relief from cold and flu symptoms. To make your own fire cider, start by gathering fresh rosemary, garlic, and jalapenos from your garden. Chop the garlic and jalapenos into small slices and place them in a glass jar. If using fresh rosemary, add the springs in whole. Dried rosemary also works for this recipe. Fire cider recipes vary greatly, but this blend is a great jumping off point for beginners. I rarely measure this recipe and simply fill the jar with what I have on hand until there is little room remaining in the jar.

Add any other ingredients that you have on hand at this point to make this recipe your own, depending on your personal preferences. Additional ingredients include: onions, ginger roots, turmeric roots, horseradish roots, cranberries, rosehips, raw honey, whole peppercorns, cinnamon bark, citrus fruits, and medicinal herbs from the garden. I tend to use seasonal ingredients that I have on hand, so my most recent batch of fire cider included onion, garlic, hot peppers, rosemary, sage, thyme, whole peppercorns, two sticks of cinnamon, and raw honey. Each ingredient provides its own medicinal benefit while changing the final flavor profile of the cider, so alter this basic recipe to fit your own personal preferences. After all the ingredients have been added, fill the jar with apple cider vinegar until all the ingredients are fully submerged.

Once the jar is filled, seal it tightly with a cork or lid. It’s important to store the cider in a cold, dark place, away from direct sunlight. This helps preserve the potency of the ingredients and allows the flavors to meld together. Let the cider ferment for at least 30 days, although some prefer to let their cider ferment longer.

When it is time to use your fire cider, simply strain out the solid ingredients and transfer the liquid to a smaller bottle for easy access. The recommended serving size is 1-2 teaspoons, taken either straight or mixed with water or another beverage.

Homemade fire cider is a powerful elixir, so it is important to start with a small amount and gradually increase your intake if desired. Enjoy the benefits of this homemade remedy and the satisfaction of creating your own natural health tonic straight from your garden.

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